Thursday, December 5, 2013

New video!

Video was done with iMovie on Mac, and it is the trailer for the (new) english version of my German model railroad website.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Track plans site online now!

As I got nice feedbacks for my model railway layouts, I made up my mind to give an English version of my track plan ideas (seems, that automatic web-translations are still more a joke than a helpful tool....). Here you go: My track plans collection. Most of the plans are in N scale, and I also gave conversions from "metric" measurements to "foot" and "inch". All track plans are free for private download; but when showing them in a public way, I would appreciate a link.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Model railroad video

The first video of my model railroad layout! As I don´t have a good video camera, but some good photos from locomotives, model trains and the layout, I just imported these photos and made a "movie" of it. So its more an animated picture book than a video.
Here we go:

More on my website:

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Model Ships

The next vessel for my N scale model ship collection: A tug boat! This little ship (balsa wood, sticked with simple grafics) now enlivens my model railroad harbour scenery. More infos and pictures? Go here: model ships - and get more ideas of how to build N scale ships for free!

Model Ships

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Steam locomotives? Live steam?

The following picture, of course, is not live steam - it is a photo montage! In times of Gimp and Photoshop I could not resist to pimp my little N scale steam locomotive (as seen here on the main line of my layout). After inserting the "steam" (digitally taken from a real photo) I turned the result into a black and white mode, thus creating an ambience of the "good old times".....

Steam locomotive N scale

Sunday, March 21, 2010

An idea for H0 scale

Yes, I did it - my first H0 scale track-plan:

H0 scale

Although I prefer N scale, I tried this idea in 1:87 gauge, as this track-plan requires a managable space even in H0. Could be a good idea for beginners, as this model railroad layout has only 6 switches. The little railhead gives enough "to do" for model trains - passenger trains as well as freight trains. Scenery: rural, only short trains (loco + 3 or 4 wagons). On the left side a gravel plant. The bridge is meant to cross a street. More about this concept (any idea about what is inside the tunnels?) on my website: H0.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Typically German: The Germans and their model railways

Germans make things work perfectly, Germans are always on time, Germans love Eisbein mit Sauerkraut. Did I forget something? Oh, yes - every male German has his own model railway layout in the cellar. That´s the reason, why every German is an engineer! Says the author of the article "Typically German - The Germans and their model railways". Nice to read! So if you need an idea about "Made in Germany", about Fleischmann or Märklin, about Adidas or Steiff Teddy, about Berlin or Herzogenaurach, about Heile Welt en miniature: here you go! (And don´t miss to have a look at my model railway layout):

Model Railways

Regards from Germany
(Did I say, that I´m not an engineer? And I´m never on time, and I hate Eisbein....)